Good Girls and Bad Boys

Why do good girls like bad guys? Are they truly good girls or is there something else going on? I was raised to be a good girl. Grew up with a good foundation had two decent hard working parents but the allure of the guys who were forbidden was what intrigued me. Not nice guys…

Intimacy’s Influence

Have you ever noticed a change in a relationship after being intimate? Ever heard someone say that wanted to wait to be intimate so they could “get to know the person first?” As if having sex compromises one’s ability to get to know the person they are sleeping with. How important is sex in a…

The Talk (About Sex)

Talking about sex is not easy but not talking about sex can lead to lots of unnecessary experiences.

Why Write?

I learned a long time ago that we overcome in life by telling our testimony. So that no matter what we are struggling with if we tell our story we can overcome it. After marrying a perfect man and having a perfect little baby I found myself struggling to be happy. Reflecting on how I…